The Future of Cities in Davos


Future of Cities in Davos is a series of events inviting Davos participants and stakeholders into a collaboration to envision better and more sustainable urban life and cities together.

Our events gather the most inspiring ventures and pioneering individuals that are currently shaping the global future of our cities.

The diverse guest list of people include royals, heads-of-states, representatives from city halls, entrepreneurs, CEOs, investors, dignitaries, academics, architects and international celebrities.

According to the UN, 68% of the world population will live in urban areas by 2050.


In Davos, we come together to vision the better and more sustainable future of the cities and our urban life.


Our events are inspired by UN Sustainable Development Goal number 11: making cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.


Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable

The world is becoming increasingly urbanised. Since 2007, more than half the world’s population has been living in cities, and that share is projected to rise to 60 per cent by 2030.

Cities and metropolitan areas are powerhouses of economic growth—contributing about 60 per cent of global GDP. However, they also account for about 70 per cent of global carbon emissions and over 60 per cent of resource use.

Rapid urbanisation is resulting in a growing number of slum dwellers, inadequate and overburdened infrastructure and services (such as waste collection and water and sanitation systems, roads and transport), worsening air pollution and unplanned urban sprawl.

The impact of COVID-19 will be most devastating in poor and densely populated urban areas, especially for the one billion people living in informal settlements and slums worldwide, where overcrowding also makes it difficult to follow recommended measures such as social distancing and self-isolation.

Learn more about SDG 11:


Dream City 2050 Contributing Areas



In 2050, the world population is predicted to reach 9.7 billion.
70 per cent of us are living in cities or urban areas.

The world's median age rises to 36 years. The quest for longevity continues; humans start to reach the biological “hard limit” of 150 years of age.


If we succeed to stop global warming, we enter a net-zero or net-positive economy.
Climate change continues causing frequent and intense weather conditions, drought, rise of the sea level and degradation of the soil posing a threat to the places, species and people’s livelihoods.


In 2050, the cities are platforms connecting the dots between multiple areas e.g. air quality, the revolution of mobility and transportation, intelligent and sustainable buildings and robotics.
The focus on well-being and work-life balance demand meaningful infrastructure and activities tackling social exclusion.


90% of the population is predicted to have access to the internet in 2050.

The Fifth & Sixth Industrial Revolutions create an advanced relationship between humans and intelligent technologies.


Global energy demand will continue to grow, and electricity generation will increase between 123% and 150% by 2050.

The power industry shifts toward gas and renewables and decarbonised energy systems.

Fossil fuels will dominate energy use through 2050, but It is predicted that we will run out of fossil fuels this century.

The speed of the fossil fuel phase-out is linked to the progress of renewable energy transition and popularity of the sustainable energy sources.



The world economy could more than double in size by 2050.
Emerging markets E7 (China, India, Indonesia, Brazil, Russia, Mexico and Turkey) are predicted to outgrow the G7.


Moon and Mars are colonised, commercial space travel, space tourism, and orbital space stations take people to space.


Advances in sciences and technology allows a more personalised healthcare approach leading to the longevity of the population. The medicine applies "Internals," robotics, nanorobotics, and bionics. Genetic engineering and bioprinting are in use.


Digital forms of education create access to education for millions of people in the developing world.

The number of people without any formal education will decline from 10% to 5% of the global population.


The stress-based health crisis is accelerating through epidemics of anxiety and depression.

We integrate old and new preventing and healing practices and methods in our everyday life.

Guests are welcomed to a full day of programming including breakfast and lunch events and an evening reception.

The Future of Cities programming is part of the side events of the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting gathering up to a total of 20,000 participants in Davos.

The Future of Cities events are organised by Finnish Flow (FIN) and Future of Cities (USA).

The evening event venue

Hotel Schatzalp, Davos

Hotel Schatzalp is a classic Davos venue with stunning views of the surrounding Swiss Alps. 

This alpine hotel is known for hosting the highest premium side events in Davos, such as the Swedish Lunch and the Arabian Nights.

The Future of Cities is an evening event for 150 invitees that will take place at the Belle Epoque Dining Hall.

Become a partner

An event becomes an event if something changes.

The venue is booked, our team is ready.
We are inviting international partners to look towards the future with us.

  • Finnish Flow


    Finnish business delegation in Davos

  • Future of Cities (USA)


    Real estate development, venturing, think tank

  • IQM (FIN)

    Event Sponsor

    Quantum Computing


    Event Sponsor

    Commercial satellite imagery

Get in touch

  • Janna Salokangas

    Finnish Flow Co-founder

  • Risto Kuulasmaa

    Finnish Flow Co-founder

  • Tony Cho

    Future of Cities Founder & CEO