Juuso Haaksivuori
Country Manager, Reaktor
Describe your role at your company. What’s the most important issue or topic you are working on at the moment?
I’m a Business Director in Reaktor’s European business team. My work is to drive growth, establish partnerships and build our cross-office collaboration in Europe.
I get excited about projects where we can truly have a societal impact and challenge old conventions. We already see a lot of new meaningful opportunities in Europe, and my task is to make them happen
As an example, I’m working with a large healthcare company in the Nordics. We are reinventing their digital services to make their patients feel they are cared for even in-between doctor’s appointments. By cutting down unnecessary manual work by automating and digitalizing their processes, healthcare professionals can spend more time on the work that actually matters.
Finnish Flow theme in Davos 2022 is Future of Cities. How are you and your company working towards a better future in our cities? What major issues are you hoping to solve?
At Reaktor we help both private and public sector organizations in their most demanding and strategic digital challenges. If we think of future cities, the highly attractive ones need to have a lot of services being delivered at a very high quality and high velocity. Citizens, who are their clients, are demanding easy access to all of these services no matter what you are, the private or the public sector organization. Still too often the private sector leads the way and drives innovation. That doesn’t mean the public sector stands still.
We’ve been happy to participate in building many of the widely used private sector services and also act as a partner delivering innovative ideas and technologies to the public sector operators such as education, healthcare, security, city maintenance and transportation. To be able to bridge the gap between the private and the public sector is a major challenge and I hope we can continue to be an integral part of it and build the future city’s services.
What’s the biggest change you’d like to see in the world?
A global reset to address the planetary emergency.
I see a lot of areas where things should change rather fast. My motto is to take really difficult challenges one at a time and never alone. I think of it as an agile software development project where we have set a goal and a backlog of smaller items which we take one at a time and deliver value while moving closer to that goal as a team. All team leaders should have the same goals, sustainable development goals. Climate change is of course a pretty massive agile project with a lot of dependencies. Some of those dependencies we need to solve with long-term decisions such as regulation but the actions where technology can make the difference, I believe Reaktor has extraordinary capabilities to help with.
Tell us about your commitment to make this change happen: as a leader, what steps do you intend to take to make this change happen? What are you committed to?
To make it happen we need to prioritize our work in the most effective way. Meaning identifying the right organizations and projects where we can make the most impact and be there to help. Eventually business is all about money but it doesn’t have to be that we choose sustainability over profit. I believe we can have profit through sustainability.
How is going to Davos in January going to help you in reaching your goals/commitment? What are your expectations for Davos? Who are you looking forward to meeting there?
I’m hoping to meet people from the private, public and third-party sectors with digital challenges and to find opportunities for us to build a future society together.
Why did you choose this painting/piece of art? (at Ateneum) What does it represent to you?
I chose this beautiful painting of the wilderness in Kuusamo, Finland. One of the most spectacular landscapes and a precious heritage we can leave for generations to come. It also reminds me of the sad fact that we might lose it all if we don’t make our absolute best effort during these upcoming years.