Pia Henrietta Moon
Co-founder & CEO Carbo Culture
Describe your role at your company. What’s the most important issue or topic you are working on at the moment?
I’m the CEO and co-founder. We’re developing new technology for CO2 removal and growing our team.
Finnish Flow theme in Davos 2022 is Future of Cities. How are you and your company working towards a better future in our cities? What major issues are you hoping to solve?
We’re deeply connected to cities with our solution, as we produce renewable heat as a by-product that can be fed into district heating to replace fossil fuels, and lower cities carbon footprint.
What’s the biggest change you’d like to see in the world?
Trillions of investment into climate mitigation and adaptation and binding legislation for the transition.
Tell us about your commitment to making this change happen: as a leader, what steps do you intend to take to make this change happen? What are you committed to?
My company’s Northstar mission is to remove a billion tons of CO2 from the atmosphere, and that’s what I’m committed to.
How is going to Davos in January going to help you in reaching your goals/commitment? What are your expectations for Davos? Who are you looking forward to meeting there?
Looking forward to meaningful connections and encounters.